Educators Vs Mentors - What's the difference?
Feb 22, 2023
I've been in the beauty industry for 23 years. I was around when brand education was at the forefront of the industry (I was actually PART of the movement!).
I can also pin-point exactly when the big independent education boom happened in 2015. Now the educational landscape for the beauty industry has changed again,
and mentorship has moved in...
If you're finding it all a bit of a minefield, keep reading!
Let me start by asking you this: Have you ever booked on to an educators course because you loved their social media content? Be honest...
I know many that have, and have left feeling disappointed, it's because of these facts ⬇️
1. Just because someone does good nails, lashes, etc, it doesn't mean they
can teach someone else
can teach someone else
2. Most " viral content " using techniques you see on social media aren't realistic to
do for everyday salon owners
do for everyday salon owners
3. The educator didn't really care about your experience
4. There is no follow up support because the educator's mindset is "Class is over,
so you need to purchase another course if you still need help"
so you need to purchase another course if you still need help"
You may be left asking yourself:
" How do you find education that is worth 10x the investment? "
The answer → you invest in a mentor instead
MENTOR - Somebody that comes from a place of information.
MENTOR - Somebody who advices from a place of experience, or as I like to say ''Been there, done that, got the tunic!''
MENTOR - A mentors 'education' gives you way more value that what you have invested, and almost everything they share will resonate with you.
MENTOR - They've been where you are at now, and can help you where you want to get to in your next career move, because they're either there now or have been there before!
MENTOR - Somebody who advices from a place of experience, or as I like to say ''Been there, done that, got the tunic!''
MENTOR - A mentors 'education' gives you way more value that what you have invested, and almost everything they share will resonate with you.
MENTOR - They've been where you are at now, and can help you where you want to get to in your next career move, because they're either there now or have been there before!
As you probably know, I stepped in to the role of a mentor back in 2020, from my lounge, in my house in Marbella during the pandemic, it was the birth of Beauty Boss Her-Quarters!
Adding ''Mentor'' to the list of roles within my 23 years of serving this amazing industry, has recently had me making some serious (some may call it life changing) decisions.
When I first started my first beauty company 'The Creative Beauty Group', 17 years ago,
my mission was to create a brand (which went on to be multiple brands!) that truly made an impact on the lives of others. I believe I have done that.
Educating, distributing, mentoring... they all seem to be connected in one way or another, which is why I have been making ''BOSS MOVES'' in secrecy, since November last year!
Adding ''Mentor'' to the list of roles within my 23 years of serving this amazing industry, has recently had me making some serious (some may call it life changing) decisions.
When I first started my first beauty company 'The Creative Beauty Group', 17 years ago,
my mission was to create a brand (which went on to be multiple brands!) that truly made an impact on the lives of others. I believe I have done that.
Educating, distributing, mentoring... they all seem to be connected in one way or another, which is why I have been making ''BOSS MOVES'' in secrecy, since November last year!
To find out what I mean, keep an eye on our Instagram
Until the next blog, Keep bossing it!
Love Layla x