Industry Week At Weymouth College

Today I went back to College!

It’s that time of year again where I meet up with the Colleges I supply, and discuss new products and courses to continue our supplies and partnership - but today was a little different.

I was asked to come in during “Industry Week”, and give a talk to the students about what is waiting for them on the other side of College.

I  reminded the ladies that this is not a hobby, and that there are big opportunities and lots of money to be made in the beauty industry.

One of the tutors came in from another class and said “I had to come in and meet you, all of the ladies have just come out so inspired- and they’re all trying to guess you’re age as you’ve done so much in the industry!”.

Apparently one student said “I want to be Layla when I grow up!”, that made me giggle! 🤭

I told them that I have at least 7 streams of income, and I’m not even really “working” - that made them...

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